Finally out of inspection purgatory. Passed our inspection with the new fire marshal (certificate of occupancy...check), and business...
Cooking with Cheese at Las Cosas
#cheese #cooking #cookingwithcheese #lascosascookingschool #johnnyv #cheeseshop #santafe
Are we there, yet?
Well, we passed both our Environment Department and final Electrical inspection, today. The electrical inspection was a bit of an...
CSF in The New Mexican
Thanks much to Carlos Lopez for the great piece in The New Mexican, today. You can read the article on The New Mexican website, here....
bizMIX 2014 Startup Readiness Award
Ecstatic that Cheesemongers of Santa Fe won the Startup Readiness Award with the 2014 BizMIX grant competition. I'm extremely honored to...
CSF in the SF Reporter
Many thanks to Rob DeWalt for the wonderful piece in the Santa Fe Reporter, today! read the article on The Reporter website, here...
A Touch More Life
Refrigeration and equipment in the shop. A marathon drive from Oklahoma for Wampus with everything in tow. Just a little base...
Past Plumbing, and a Few Fewer Doorways
#plumbing #drywall #santafe #cheeseshop
Above Ground
#cheeseshop #plumbing #santafe #concrete
Seal 'er up
#concrete #progress #cheeseshop #santafe #cement #foundation